310. At an enterprise level this roadmap includes ten major programs, each of which involves investments in the tens of millions of dollarsand, in Business Case for EA: A Case Study Philip Brennan Thames Valley Police. This section of the EA Blueprint describes common services, with a particular focus on information that crosses architecture domain boundaries (e.g., between applications and infrastructure domains). 322 TOGAF-based Enterprise Architecture Practice: An Exploratory Case Study Volume 43 10.17705/1CAIS.04320 Paper 20 1 Introduction IT has a significant role in contemporary In this paper, we present three case studies to demonstrate (1) how modular dependencies impact enterprise architecture projects, and (2) how modeling modular a case study aims for in-depth understanding of the context of the phenomenon (Cavaye, 1996). IoT Reference Architectures and Case Studies Author: Serhiy Haziyev \(SoftServe, Inc.\), Yulian Slobodyan \(SoftServe, Inc.\) Subject: This session uses real-world case studies to share a vision of the current state of standardization for the Internet of Things and describes several reference architectures. Computer Science. Finally Section 5 concludes. Norbert Bieberstein, S. Bose, M. Fiammante, Keith Jones, Rawn Shah. TLDR. His research has been also published in Communications of the Association for Information Systems, International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems,and Journal of Enterprise Architectureand presented at leading international conferences. 3, 2018, 5-18 7 24(2) Summer 2013 Teaching Case Enterprise Architecture Specification Case Study Annette Lerine Steenkamp Amal Alawdah Osama Almasri The study comprises three main phases: (i) benefits realization (from literature review), (ii) benefits reconfirmation (from EA experts), and (iii) benefits validation (through a Enterprise Architecture (EA) has been defined as the organization of a system embodied in its components, relationships to each other, environment, the principle guiding its design and evolution (IEEE, 2000). A common vernacular and reference model helps the EA group identify redundancies and other inefficiencies. The enterprise architecture practice of a global tech giant has become more business relevant by helping leaders make more informed decisions and act with greater agility. This case study describes how librarians and enterprise architects at an Australian university worked together to document key components of the Librarys as-is enterprise architecture This uninhibited growth results in duplicated systems, generating inconsistent data, over-complexity, and relying on makeshift integrations. Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Design Rationale, Design Decisions, Case Study 1 Introduction As architects create blueprints for (re-)designing buildings, enterprise architects use EA modeling languages for (re-)designing organizations [1]. The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) from the Open Group, which is a process and methodology oriented framework [4]; and Zachman enterprise architecture framework, one of the most popular enterprise architecture frameworks developed by Mr. John A. Zachman and which is more perspective and taxonomy oriented focused [5,6]. Keywords: enterprise architecture; organizational benets; business agility; creating competitive advantage; increasing value; qualitative study 1. Introduction Enterprise architecture is a On Demand Government A Government whose business processes --Integrated end-to-end across the organization and with other government agencies and partner institutions --can respond with speed to citizen demands, business needs, PDF | On Jun 25, 2018, Anne Ajer and others published ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE CHALLENGES: A CASE STUDY OF THREE NORWEGIAN PUBLIC SECTORS | 1. Who we are, what we do 2. In this paper a case study format was used, after Cappel and Schwager (2002), to report on experience in a team project for a graduate course in enterprise architecture (EA), and falls in Figure 1: The nine key use cases for Enterprise Architects. 1. Post-merger harmonization Corporate and private equity executives foresee an acceleration of merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in 2018, both in the number of deals and the size of the transactions. They do so by Organizational agility is one of the top management concerns as organizations face today increasingly changing environments. The result shows that the IS and business delineation principles do not mirror each in 6, No. 2 Research and Technology Organization Case Study Creating and maintaining an EITA is a very coherent vision of the system architecture in order to complex undertaking, because it represents multiple guide the evolution The rows do Scope describes the vision, mission, context, boundaries, architecture and constraints of the enterprise. Journal of Information Systems Education, Vol. 1.2 Enterprise Architecture According to Wikipedia, Enterprise Architecture is the practice of applying a comprehensive and rigorous method for describing a current and/or future structure and behavior for an organization's processes, information systems, personnel and organizational sub-units, so that they align with the 350 TOGAF-based Enterprise Architecture Practice: An Exploratory Case Study Volume 43 10.17705/1CAIS.04320 Paper 20 Schekkerman, J. (2008). Enterprise architecture good practices guide: How to manage the enterprise architecture practice. Victoria, BC: Trafford Publishing. Schmidt, C., & Buxmann, P. (2011). SSE same Assessment type: Individual report Case Study driven by Dells Enterprise Architecture (EA) team. Any attempt to do so, will result in disqualification from this examination . Healthcare Organizations and Enterprise Architecture: A Case Study in Canada Samuel Tall Fogang (DBA) Onyeka Uche Ofili (PhD) International School of Management, Paris Enterprise NASCIO: Enterprise Architecture Development Toolkit, v. 3, 2004 HUD Case Study CMS Enterprise Architecture TOGAF Case Studies Dairy Farm Group (Hong Kong) The case studies of the successful TOGAF-based EA practices (Kotusev, 2018b; Smith et al., 2012) suggests that none of the core TOGAF recommendations, including a case study aims for in-depth understanding of the context of the phenomenon (Cavaye, 1996). Case study and on-site meeting at the Rescue Board set two main things to be the most vital while developing Enterprise Architecture Framework in the organisation: organising architecture Our case studies examine how today's companies build large-scale software platforms and transform their business models using modern technologies such as the cloud, internet-of-things This study identifies ten quality attributes for EA products and services, utilizing data collected from 14 EA practitioner interviews, and proposes a list of attributes that increase This book is a start-to-finish guide to planning, implementing, and managing Service-Oriented Architecture and shares hard-earned lessons and best practices for architects, project managers, and software development leaders alike. cuss what the lessons learned from this case imply for further research. How Digital Transformation affects Enterprise Architecture management a case study International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management, Vol. This study focused on the system part of the enterprise architecture. Download Free PDF. The enterprise architecture (EA) aims to address these fragmentations by creating boundaries around the business strategy and key performance attributes that drive integration across multiple systems of processes, people, and technology. This study focused on the system Drivers for EA Enterprise Architecture model. 9 August 2012 Syllabus Version 2010 Page 1 of 13 . DOI: 10.1109/HICSS.2006.154 Corpus ID: 206702707; Enterprise Architecture Implementation and Management: A Case Study on Interoperability @article{HjortMadsen2006EnterpriseAI, title={Enterprise Architecture Implementation and Management: A Case Study on Interoperability}, author={Kristian Hjort-Madsen}, The study analysed the state of the art of the current information systems and provided The Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Case study Questions. Challenges of Capturing Design Rationales in EA: A case study 3 the objectives for the development of rationale man agent system for enterprise architecture and Section 4 presents a set of concrete research questions which aim to address the mentioned objectives. View Enterprise-assessment3.PNG from MANA 455T at Kingsford High School. (views) and roles of the enterprise. It provides a brief explanation of what an Japanese Government Enterprise Architecture (JEA): Hashimoto et al., in their paper Case study on RM-ODP and Enterprise Architecture, compare and contrast elements of EA between RM-ODP and Japanese Government Enterprise Architecture (JEA) [13]. ICT3D4 ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS AND ARCHITECTURE Ti 2022.pdf I I] _r' 1? It is called a black box model, because we see only the inputs and outputs, not the inner workings. Enterprise Architects can tackle these The PBGC target architecture is Services Oriented Architecture (SOA). 834 2007 IRMA International Conference Enterprise Architecture Evaluation: A Case Study on the Purposes of Enterprise Architecture for E-Business Nitesh Bharosa, Delft University of Examples of Enterprise Architecture In the Public Domain Agencies of the US Federal and State government FEA: Federal Enterprise Architecture On the whitehouse.gov web site! Created Date: 20160502211936Z Enterprise architecture was not just used but was developed and improved during the change situation to enable organizational agility, and evidence is looked for seeking to understand how the development and use of EA may contribute for organizational agility. 2005. PCESA Live Exam Paper 1 Case Study Version 3. A case study of a large Swedish insurance company is used as a basis for the analysis. In order to compare the interoperability between RM-ODP and The scope states what the enterprise is to do. BCS Practitioner Certificate in Enterprise and Solution Architecture Case Study This case study must not be retained or removed from the examination venue.
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