BAYLETON50Turf and Ornamental Fungicide can betank-mixedwithProStar70WDG for use onturf inaccordancewiththe more (most) restrictive of label limitations and precautions. No. 50 01578840 03827295E 161026AV2 TURF AND ORNAMENTAL FUNGICIDE in Water Soluble Packets Systemic Fungicide See Back Panel for First Aid Instructions and Leaet for Complete Precautionary Statements and Directions for Use Contains: 4 x 5.5 Ounce Water Soluble Packets Net Weight: 1.38 Pounds This product is intended for professional use only. The Bayer Bayleton 50 Turf and Ornamental Fungicide WSP 4 x 5.5 oz is an acropetal penetrant fungicide that is easily absorbed by foliage and roots. This product cannot be mixed with any product containing a label prohibition against such mixing. Bayleton@ 50% Dry Flowable Fungicide On the basis of information furnished by the registrant, the above named pesticide is hereby registered/reregistered under the Federal BA YLETON 50 WDG Nursery and Greenhouse Fungicide can be tank-mixed with Prostar 70WP for use on turf in accordance with the more (most) restrictive of labellim~ons and precautions. Product Name Accepted Date; 264-737: BAYLETON 50% DRY FLOWABLE Rainfall or sprinkler irrigation, within 30 minutes after application does not This label supersedes all other previously accepted labels. A person knowledgeable of the chemigation system and responsible for its operation, or under the the pesticide label-prescribed safety devices for public water systems are in place. This product cannot be mixed with any product containing a label prohibition against such mixing. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. (US 48 States Only) Bayleton FLO Turf and Ornamental Fungicide - 2.5 Gallon is a systemic fungicide for control of turf and ornamental diseases. BAYLETON 50 Turf and Ornamental Fungicide can be tank-mixed with Prostar 50WP for use on turf in accordance with the more (most) restrictive of label limitations and precautions. This product cannot be mixed with any product containing a label prohibition against such mixing. Product Name BAYLETON 50 WSP SYSTEMIC FUNGICIDE / TURF AND ORNAMENTAL FUNGICIDE IN WATER SOLUBLE PACKETS MSDS Number 102000006712 Chemical Family Triazole Fungicide EPA Registration No. Follow all applicable directions, restrictions, Worker Protection Offline. Leave Us a Message The Bayer Bayleton 50 Turf and Ornamental Fungicide WSP 4 x 5.5 oz is an acropetal penetrant fungicide that is easily absorbed by foliage and roots. It has broad spectrum activity that works within the plant and fights ornamental and turf diseases without the risk of washing off the fungicide. Mix the required amount of Bayleton in a small quantity of water to make a smooth cream. Donot exceedthe labels dosagerates. Fast Free Ground Shipping! Buy 2 or more quantities: $1,639.95 per each. $675.21. 264-740 Amendment Dated 5/28/08 Dear Mr. Tolliver: OFFICE OF PREVENTION,PESTICIDES AND TOXIC SUBSTANCES JUl Product name BAYLETON 50 SYSTEMIC FUNGICIDE / TURF AND ORNAMENTAL FUNGICIDE IN WATER SOLUBLE PACKETS MSDS Number 102000012193 EPA Registration No. This product cannot be mixed with any product containing a label prohibition against such mixing. A maximum of 24 oz of BAYLETON 50% DF may be applied per acre Bayleton makes an easy fight out of turf and ornamental disease problems due to its broad spectrum activity and residual control. Bayer Bayleton 50 Fungicide WSP is one of the few fungicides labeled for Western gall rust (Endocronartium Harknessii). However, the product label does not indicate efficacy on this specific tree. Trade name BAYLETON 50 TURF AND ORNAMENTAL FUNGICIDE IN WATER SOLUBLE PACKETS SYSTEMIC FUNGICIDE Product code (UVP) 06107613 However, the product label does not indicate efficacy on this specific tree. -Case of 4. Labels; Chemical; Alt. BAYLETON 50 TURF AND ORNAMENTAL FUNGICIDE IN WATER SOLUBLE PACKETS SYSTEMIC FUNGICIDE 1/12 Version 4.0 / USA Revision Date: 02/08/2021 102000012193 label rates under heavy disease pressure, with extended spray intervals, and/or on highly disease susceptible varieties. No label Keep out of reach of children. BAYLETON 50 Turf and Ornamental Fungicide can be tank-mixed with Prostar 50WP for use on turf in accordance with the more (most) restrictive of label limitations and precautions. HOW TO PREPARE Mixing Use measuring spoon provided. Mix the required amount of Bayleton in a small quantity of water to make a smooth cream. Add the cream to the required quantity of water in the sprayer and mix thoroughly. Do not mix more than can be used on the day of mixing. (1 level spoon contains 1.7 g of Bayleton Garden Fungicide) CAUTION No. 50 01578840 03827295E 161026AV2 TURF AND ORNAMENTAL FUNGICIDE in Water Soluble Packets Systemic Fungicide See Back Panel for First Aid Instructions and Leaet for 50 01578840 03827295E 161026AV2 TURF AND ORNAMENTAL FUNGICIDE in Water Soluble Packets Systemic Fungicide See Back Panel for First Aid Instructions and Leaet for Complete Precautionary Statements and Directions for Use Contains: 4 x 5.5 Ounce Water Soluble Packets Net Weight: 1.38 Pounds This product is intended for professional use only. A person knowledgeable of the chemigation system and responsible for its operation, or under the APPLICATION: Bayleton 50 Turf and Ornamental Fungicide is absorbed rapidly and works systemically from within the plant Good coverage and wetting of the foliage are necessary. The Bayer Bayleton 50 Turf and Ornamental Fungicide WSP 5.5 oz is an acropetal penetrant fungicide that is easily absorbed by foliage and roots. always read and follow label instructions. No. Supplier: Bayer Environmental Science A Business Group of Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd Triadimefon [43121-43-3] 50 Other ingredients (non-hazardous) - 950 Page 1 of 6. Bayleton 50 T&O 3408098 080114A leaflet 030708 Turf and Ornamental Fungicide in Water Soluble Packets Systemic Fungicide For control of certain diseases on flowers, foliage plants, shrubs, turf and shade trees. $710.75. Bayer Bayleton 50 Fungicide WSP is one of the few fungicides labeled for Western gall rust (Endocronartium Harknessii). Compass Fungicide is compatible with most insecticide, fungicide, and foliar nutrient products. For additional product It has broad No label BAYLETON 50 DF (Discontinued) BAYLETON 50 DF is a Fungicide for control of certain disease on flowers, foliage, plants, shrubs, turf, and shade trees, for use on plant intended, for aesthetic purpose or climatic modification and being grown in interior plants capes , ornamental gardens or parks , or on golf courses or lawns and grounds Add to Compare. It has broad spectrum activity that works Bayleton GARDEN FUNGICIDE Active Constituent: 50 g/kg TRIADIMEFON Controls Azalea petal blight, powdery mildew on apples cucurbits and grapevines and dollar spot on lawns Bayleton GARDEN FUNGICIDE Active Constituent: 50 g/kg TRIADIMEFON Controls Azalea petal blight, powdery mildew on apples cucurbits and grapevines and dollar spot on lawns HOW TO PREPARE Mixing Use measuring spoon provided. BAYLETON 50 Turf and Ornamental Fungicide can be tank-mixed with Prostar 50WP for use on turf in accordance with the more (most) restrictive of label limitations and No label doaage rates should be exceeded. Bayleton cannot be applied to pine seedlings or seed in Bayleton Garden Fungicide names: None Product code: 4958143 Recommended use: Fungicide for the control of diseases as specified on the product label. -bag (4 x 5.5 oz packets) $249.75. Bayleton is a systemic (acropetal penetrant) fungicide, and is absorbed by foliage and roots. 432-1360 Product Use For the control of certain diseases on flowers, foliage plants, shrubs, turf and shade trees. However, the com - patibility of Compass Fungicide with tank mix partners must be tested before use. Grouped product items. Tank mixtures or other applications of products referenced on this label are permitted only in those states in which the referenced products are labeled. King in 1970. BAYLETON 50 Turf and Ornamental Fungicide can be tank- mixed with Prostar 50WP for use on turf in accordance with the more (most) restrictive of label limitations and precautions. No label dosage retas should be exceeded. CAUTION For the pesticide label-prescribed safety devices for public water systems are in place. EPA Reg. This Supplemental Label and the Federally registered label must be in possession of the user at the time of pesticide application. Bayleton 50% Dry Flowable Fungicide ACTIVE INGREDIENT: 1-(4-Chlorophenoxy)-3,3-dimethyl-1- STOP - Read the label before use. 432-1360 Bayer Environmental Science 2 T.W. No label dosage rates should be exceeded. Mr. King founded Regal on a solid foundation of integrity, customer service and well-tested products that perform, with a vision to be the Product Name. This Supplemental Label and the Federally registered label must be in possession of the user at the time of pesticide application. Turf and Ornamental Fungicide in Water Soluble Packets 50.0% INERT INGREDIENTS..50.0% 100.0% Keep water soluble packets in this container and store in a Product Name Accepted Date; 432-1360: BAYLETON 50 TURF AND ORNAMENTAL FUNGICIDE IN WATER SOLUBLE PACKETS: October 26, 2016 (PDF) 432 No label dosage rates should be exceeded. Brand Name; Inactive Alt. Brand Name; Transfer History; Site; Pest; EPA Reg. Product Name. Bayleton is a systemic (acropetal penetrant) fungicide, and is absorbed by foliage and roots. BAYlETON 50 Turf and Ornamental Fungicide can be tank-mixed with Proatar 50WP for usa on turf In accordance with the more (moat) raatrictIve of label Umitatlons and pracautlona. -Case of 4. "Regal Chemical Company was founded by James O. Bayleton makes an easy fight out of turf and ornamental disease problems due to its broad spectrum activity and residual control. By buying this product & leave product review you can collect normally 164 reward points as a voucher of $16.40 (1%). BAYLETON 50 Turf and Ornamental Fungicide can be tank-mixed with Prostar 50WP for use on turf in accordance with the more (most) restrictive of label limitations and precautions. Follow all applicable directions, restrictions, Worker Protection RE: Bayleton 50% Concentrate EPA Reg. -bag (4 x 5.5 oz packets) $237.26. Bayer Environmental Science, a Division of Bayer CropScience LP, 5000 CentreGreen Way, Suite 400, Cary, NC 27513.
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