One of the main intentions of the initiative would be to create a new paradigm that would take university academic cooperation within the European Union to a new level. This programme is led by the European Commission and was created to strengthened strategic partnerships across Europe and develop international competitiveness of European universities. The call had a total budget of 272 million distributed between two . By 2025, half of all jobs will require high-level qualifications. The ECIU University is an EU-funded European University that will create a completely new educational model on a European scale. This idea was first aired by French President Emmanuel Macron in his speech at Sorbonne University in September 2017. The 2022 call aims to deliver on the ambitious objectives set for the initiative in the Council Conclusions on the European Universities initiative from 17 May 2021 [pdf]. It was then taken up by the EU under the Erasmus+ programme. June 16, 2022. The Department of European Languages and Transcultural Studies is a new and innovative program that was established in 2020 and that brings together the former departments of French and Francophone Studies, Germanic Languages, Italian, and Scandinavian. The UCLA Public History Initiative (PHI) . The alliance, of which TU Berlin is the speaker, is one of 24 universities in the second call of the European University Initiative to be awarded 5 million euros over the coming three years. Version: 1.0.12 Last modified: Tue May 31 2022 05:24:38 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) The first three year phase of the ECIU University focuses on the UN . The total budget for the action is EUR 272 000 000. EDD will also implement a one-stop shop for those applying for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, including the self-employed and independent contractors The call is an open competitive call based on qualitative criteria. The first pilot call was part of the European Commission's package to develop the idea of closer strategic collaboration among universities from across Europe. All 41 alliances call on the Member States to urgently support the establishment of holistic and sustainable long-term funding to deepen transnational cooperation of European University alliances across all their missions in a coherent way. Background. The pdf documents below contain the list of projects with the final results (projects selected for funding, projects in the Reserve list and projects not retained for the First Call). The European Commission first took up this idea under the 2014 - 2020 Erasmus+ programme. UC Press Reissues the First Book Published by Albion Urdank. We will . Out of 54 applications received, the first 17 European University alliances involving 114 higher education institutions from 24 Member States were selected. 1. Through innovative and diverse models of long-term integrated cooperation, the European Universities initiative promotes common European values and a strengthened European identity, and supports the higher education institutions to make a substantial leap in quality, performance, attractiveness and international competitiveness. The first pilot call was part of the European Commission's package to develop the idea of closer strategic collaboration among universities from across Europe. Results of the 2019 Erasmus+ call. The first CIVIS3i fellows are 10 men and 6 women comprising 8 nationalities, from Europe, the Americas and Western Asia. The European university initiative is expanding in the EU and beyond. The flagship European University initiative is expanding and includes, for the first time, universities from Switzerland. In total, a budget of up to 85 million (US$97 million) is available for the first 17 'European Universities'. The results of the 2019 call were published in June 2019. It builds on the success of the first two calls launched in 2019 and 2020. On 27 July 2022, the European Commission (EC) published the much anticipated results of this year's call for European Universities. At the end of the 2019-20 pilot phase, much of the European university system was anxiously awaiting the call for new alliances and an increase in funding. Join a diverse family of students and faculty who are here to make an impact with their life's work. Pilot Call - To the call for proposals (EACEA) DAAD and Federal Ministry of Education and Research congratulate new "European University Alliances" / 27 July 2022 To learn more about the 19 alliances being funded with the participation of 22 German HEIs, please read the official DAAD (German only). "European University Networks (EUN) - national initiative" Conference / 9 - 10 June 2022 This idea was first aired by French President Emmanuel Macron in his speech at Sorbonne University in September 2017. (PhD, Spring 2022) to Start Tenure-Track Position at the University of North Georgia. throughout Europe. Fredrick Walter Lorenz (PhD, Spring 2022), will start a tenure-track position as an Assistant Professor . These support 41 . At EU level, the EU education and mobility programme Erasmus+ is the central programme for the implementation of the initiative. The term "transcultural" in our name emphasizes our shared European roots, and our expanded focus on the perspectives of filmmakers . The idea of a European University EU-CONEXUS was created in the framework of the European universities' initiative. Under key action 2, the European Commission published the call for proposals for the first pilot in October 2018 and for the second pilot in November 2019. The aim of the European Universities initiative is to significantly strengthen transnational institutional cooperation in teaching, research, innovation and services within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) (see Erasmus+ call for projects).For example, study programmes are being created in which students can attend modules at all alliance universities, i.e. Detailed information about the European Universities 2022 call is available on the Funding & Tender Opportunities . While the selection results of the first pilot call of the European Universities Initiative showed widespread participation covering all regions across Europe, a few countries are not represented despite having a considerable . For more information, see the full press release. Selected European Universities - Second call 20201 ACRONYM ORGANISATIONS involved as full NAME OF ALLIANCE partners COUNTRY ATHENA Advanced Technology Higher . Topic 2: Development of new deep institutional transnational cooperation. Furthermore, 88% state that it is very or somewhat important for the future of the European University Initiative to . Their progress will be closely monitored. As the highest-ranked public university in the nation, UCLA is a sought-after destination for students from all walks of life who share the same goal: to be part of an academic culture that values public service. Governor announces new initiative to expand call center hours at the Employment Development Department to better assist Californians with unemployment insurance applications. UCLA Public History Initiative. Topic 2: this call topic will provide support for applicants wishing to establish new deep institutional transnational cooperation in a new 'European Universities' alliance. Each alliance will receive up to 5 million over the next three years to start implementing their plans and pave the way for other higher education institutions across the EU to follow. Projects selected for funding; Reserve list This will enable the European Universities Initiative to go beyond a short-term project approach and . Selected as one of the first 17 European universities, CIVIS will pioneer the initiative and build an inter-university campus between its member universities to increase the mobility of students, teachers and administrative staff and foster the collaboration of researchers, companies and cities to tackle society's greatest challenges. Therefore, the European Commission issued an Erasmus+ call for proposals inviting European . It was then taken up by the EU under the Erasmus+ programme. The COVID-19 pandemic has suddenly accelerated the digital transformation of higher education institutions. European Universities - explained by students Yet, much more needs to be done for deep technological and structural changes to the benefit of learning and teaching, allowing for more inclusion and flexible learning . In a subsequent webinar session, 279 rectors from all 41 European University Alliances that received funding in the first and second call will come together. Discover the successful applicants to the 2022 European Universities Erasmus+ call: Topic 1: Intensification of prior deep institutional transnational cooperation. The ECIU University gathers together learners, teachers, and researchers to cooperate with cities and businesses and solve real-life challenges. Circle U. Circle U. European University AARHUS UNIVERSITY DK KING'S COLLEGE LONDON UK UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE RS UNIVERSITY OF HUMBOLDT BERLIN DE . The first 17 alliances running for a three-year pilot programme were announced by the Commission in summer 2019 following an open call and are part of broader efforts to establish a European Education Area by 2025. On 7 November the first 17 alliances of the European Universities Initiative were launched in Brussels in the presence of some 800 representatives of universities, university associations, student, national ministries and the European Commission.. EUA President Michael Murphy addressed the audience calling on all stakeholders to work together towards deeper and easier cross-border university . The European Commission announced the award on 07.09.2020. The rectors will discuss the transformational potential of European Universities, the support of the EU Member States for the initiative as well as further discuss the important issue of .
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